The Beginning…

Hey Sunshines

I’m excited to be here in this body at this moment in time. I’m even more excited to engage and exchange energy with YOU in this my very first blog post.

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it – Roald Dahl

I’ve always believed in magic — and I’ve had some incredible synchronicities and signs come my way. It’s really easy to believe in magic when all that’s good happens. Right? It has taken me a long time and lots of inner-work to realize that there has also been magic in the hardest, most tragic things that have come into my life.

I wrote about this in my debut memoir, set to be published in the next few months. I will keep you posted on the release dates etc but for now all I want to say is don’t stop believinnnnn…*to the tune of the Journey song we all know and love.

Cara, Seeker of Magic, Spreader of Light

All Rights Reserved. The material of this website belongs to Cara Carozza. Appropriate credit should be given where material is shared, copied, disseminated, copied or quoted.