The Summer Solstice has always been one of my favorite days of the year. School is out. Time to head to our favorite alpine lake for a family vacation. Time to CELEBRATE and RECONNECT.

The word Solstice derives from sol (Sun) and sistere (standing still). This is because at the Summer Solstice, the sun appears to stand still.

Perhaps this is why it feels like the perfect time to slow down and SAVOR THE SWEETNESS OF LIFE.

Memories of flower crowns and May poles from my childhood inspired me to find a local florist to create bouquets for every room of our vacation rental last Summer Solstice. Such a decadent splurge and the perfect décor for our celebration.

CELEBRATING WAS WHAT I HAD MOST ON MY MIND. My daughter and her boyfriend had both just graduated from University. There had been no ceremony to honor their achievements. The trip to Europe that they had saved and planned for evaporated before their eyes as the world went into lockdown.

Yet, we still had our vacation to look forward to and I was determined to make it MAGICAL.

The magic started happening before we even arrived. The practical mini-van that I had reserved was not available. It would be replaced with the Suburban that I had wanted to rent, but could not afford. I had placed my order and the Universe had delivered.

A few days later, Mother Earth yielded even more MAGIC.  While hiking, my husband found several Lemurian crystals. They were literally lying in full view. Right in the middle of the trail! He had the loveliest one mounted and made into a necklace for me. Magical indeed.

MAGIC IS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME. We just need to look for it. The Summer Solstice is a time when the veil between the material and spiritual worlds is said to be much thinner. It’s a great time to light a bonfire or a candle and observe the magic of the season.

Wishing you and yours a MAGICAL SOLSTICE and a SUMMER filled with JOY and LEISURE.

Public Service Announcement: “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse,10 June 2021

Psst, a quick one from me.

Tomorrow is June 10th 2021 and there is a SOLAR ECLIPSE in the sign of Gemini.

I found this very informative article on the Oprah Daily website:

Personally, I have always embraced eclipses! It is a time when I believe we are given bits of critical information that was perhaps “hidden” before and we can come out on the other side with absolute clarity and direction.

See you on the other side!

Cara – Seeker of Magic, Spreader of Light

All Rights Reserved. The material of this website belongs to Cara Carozza. Appropriate credit should be given where material is shared, copied, disseminated, copied or quoted.

Connecting with Our Ancestors – June 7th 2021

This Spring we lost my mother-in-law Martha and our beloved cat Dottie just thirteen short days apart. The same number of days in a Mayan Trecena.

I was comforted by the fact that Martha passed first and that she was there to greet her grand kitty on the other side. They would have each other.

The Mayan sacred calendar is 260 days long and is comprised of twenty thirteen day periods called Trecenas. Today is the last day of the Tjax Trecena that began on May 26th.

According to Mayan Astrology, each day consists of a number between 1 and 13 combined with one of 20 nawales. Today’s combination is 13 Tz’i.

On thirteen days it is said that this world and the spirit world are closest together. Thirteen is also the number most associated with our ancestors. The totem animal of the nawal Tz’i is the dog and it embodies the qualities of guidance, faith and loyalty. It is a day when we can expect to feel the guidance and loyalty of our ancestors.

I am reminded of Martha today. Not just because she has crossed over, but also because she carried the nawal of Tjax with the number 13 and she loved her fur babies. Today feels like the perfect day to connect with her.

My husband and I felt called to create an alter to her with her ashes and some of her favorite things in front of our fireplace. We light a candle every day, play music she enjoyed and thank her for living the life that she lived. It has been an incredibly healthy and profound way for us both to grieve her passing.

I would invite you all to connect with your own ancestors in any way that is meaningful to you today. You are likely to hear the whispers of their soul with more clarity than ever before.


I used to wish I knew you BEFORE

Before you couldn’t remember

Some how, you always remembered MY name

Even though you didn’t know me before you couldn’t remember

Now I know that I have always known you

You live inside my beloved

Every caring gesture, every joyful exclaim

It’s YOU smiling at me through him

I know that you are at peace and finally free

I know that you will always be with us

Know that you are loved and remembered sweet Martha

Thank YOU!

Hey Friends

Just a quick one from me to say thank you.

It was not easy to take the first step and start this website and blog. I had all the normal fears that people have – and a little extra! The spotlight has not been my favorite place in recent years and the media has caused me and my family a lot of anxiety. It affected my mental health. I took a long time to open myself up again.

But I did it!

And I am ready to share my story too. My book is coming out really soon and I can’t wait to tell you more.

Sharing our stories is a big part of how we can help each other heal and grow.

So thank you! Thank you, thank you for holding space for me.


Thriving During MERCURY RETROGRADE (May 29, 2021-June 22, 2021

Hey Friends

Even if you don’t read your daily horoscope, you have probably heard someone complaining about “Mercury Retrograde”.

Mercury Retrograde has gotten a bad reputation, and it’s not surprising. Computers revolt and refuse to perform. Cars break down and all forms of communication are unclear, at best.

But Mercury Retrograde isn’t all bad. In fact, it is one of my favorite Astrological Seasons. 

It’s a great time to find lost objects. Items that have been lost for months and even years seem to materialize out of thin air. It’s also the perfect time to connect with anyone from your past.

Cancelled appointments and rescheduled plans are often the rule and not the exception while Mercury naps. This creates space and opportunity for spontaneous experiences.

I have learned to surrender to the slower pace Mercury Retrograde brings and just go with the flow. 

I am never disappointed! I actually look forward to it.

Wanna join me?


Seeker of Magic, Spreader of Light

All Rights Reserved. The material of this website belongs to Cara Carozza. Appropriate credit should be given where material is shared, copied, disseminated, copied or quoted.

Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 = BIG Changes

Hello Sunshines

We are just hours away from the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (May 26, 2021) and we will be able to see the Blood Flower Supermoon in all its glory.

In Western Astrology, Lunar Eclipses are a powerful time. They bring big CHANGE often on a global level. It’s also the first day of a new Trecena within the Mayan count of days. The Trecena of Tijax.

I’m excited. 

The sign of Sagittarius and the nawal of Tijax share a similar energy, that of the Holy Warrior.

If there are some big changes in the air (and boy have I been feeling this for months as far as the planet in general goes), then I say let’s learn to adapt and harness the higher vibrational cosmic energy to support the NEW.

On a more personal level, it’s always a good idea to PIVOT/CHANGE DIRECTION/U-TURN as we grow, evolve and expand our consciousness. This is the time!

It’s an opportunity when we can alter and shift our DESTINY/FATE/LIFE PATH in a major way. Here’s the thing, friends, the change is here. It WILL happen. The question is only how willing you are going to be to flow with that which is aligning to your new vibration?

Will you resist OR will you flow? Will you stay where you are or will go to where you are being directed?

I plan to enjoy some delightful Sativa flower and create an outdoor altar for Lady Luna. I will thank my Guides for their support and flow with the big changes coming my way. My preview looks grand!

Happy Blood Flower Super Moon Gazing,

Cara, Seeker of Magic, Spreader of Light

P.S. Can I make a prediction? Donald Trump’s star is going to keep rising. Do some Googling and find out when he was born. I will give you a hint *you will find the word “eclipse” somewhere in there. 

The Beginning…

Hey Sunshines

I’m excited to be here in this body at this moment in time. I’m even more excited to engage and exchange energy with YOU in this my very first blog post.

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it – Roald Dahl

I’ve always believed in magic — and I’ve had some incredible synchronicities and signs come my way. It’s really easy to believe in magic when all that’s good happens. Right? It has taken me a long time and lots of inner-work to realize that there has also been magic in the hardest, most tragic things that have come into my life.

I wrote about this in my debut memoir, set to be published in the next few months. I will keep you posted on the release dates etc but for now all I want to say is don’t stop believinnnnn…*to the tune of the Journey song we all know and love.

Cara, Seeker of Magic, Spreader of Light

All Rights Reserved. The material of this website belongs to Cara Carozza. Appropriate credit should be given where material is shared, copied, disseminated, copied or quoted.